Thank you so much for making a choice to help families in need in your community enjoy a wonderful Christmas dinner this year.

For an online monetary donation, please visit our donation partners website at Windsor Lifeline Outreach.  WLO is accepting donations on behalf our Team to be used towards this event. Donations over $10 are eligible for tax receipts.

*Please make sure to include a note when donating that the donation should go towards the AGA Turkey Giveaway to make sure that the funds go towards this event and that you allow WLO to share this information with Angie Goulet and Associates (when paying by credit card select “add special instructions to the Seller”).

If you would prefer to pay in person by cheque, please drop the cheque off at our donation partner: Windsor Lifeline Outreach or mail it to them at:

Windsor Lifeline Outreach
4490 7th Concession
Windsor, Ontario
N8V 0A8
Phone: (519) 972-6086

Hours of operation: Monday – Thursday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

For in person and mail donations, please include the donation slip found HERE.
*Please be sure to write on the slip that the funds are to be used for the AGA Turkey Giveaway and that you agree that WLO can share your donation information with Angie Goulet & Associates.